Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fashionably Gay Shoes

You've heard of a bad hair day? Lord knows, I've had my share. But have you ever heard of a bad clothes day? If one exists, it happened to me today.

After showering at the gym, I put my clothes on and started to fuss with my hair in the mirror. This is the point where I notice one of my sleeves (it was a short sleeved Polo shirt) had several large holes between the trim and the rest of the sleeve. Yikes, how tacky.

I did my best as a typical guy and put tape on the inside to close it up as best I could. During my lunch break, I went shopping at Nordstrom where I found a nice replacement shirt. But wait one minute, this shirt was nice enough that it no longer went with the black tennis shoes I was wearing (yes, my sense of fashion is rather lacking most of the time). Well, now I had to upgrade my shoes. I finally found a pair at Macys that I liked.

With bags in hand, I walked back to work thinking about other combination of clothes that I could wear. Suddenly, I noticed that I was thinking I had to get a pair of shoes to fit this outfit, and another to fit that outfit.... WHAA!!! Since when am I interested in shoes?!

Oh my god, I'm turning gay... oh, never mind.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Battlestar Galactica
The Last Supper

Alright, this is WAY cool! The SciFi Channel has this picture on its site. Even though Season 3 was rather lacking, I am looking forward to the last season. We'll see how it goes.

Early Morning Success

Enough of this kicking myself when I'm down; it's time to point out a bright spot in an otherwise gray bit of posts.

Friday, I had a conference call that started at 7:30 in the morning. Normally, I am on the bus heading to the gym at that time, still over an hour away from actually going to work. Well, determination won out and I made it to the gym at 6:15. I bet you noticed that the universe came to a complete halt on Friday. That's because the universe was totally in awe at my early morning waking and couldn’t stop staring. *grin*

See, not everything is bad, I just find it easier to bitch about the bad stuff than compliment myself on the good (yes, I was raised religious; original sin and all that guilt).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Talk Is Way Too Cheap

All that talk about the weeks conspiring to keep me from the gym and what do I do? Sleep in this morning. Bah! I think my momentum is definitely slowing way down.

It's been a relatively good past 6 months but now I'm not seeing any changes. I appear to have plateaued in recent weeks. In fact, to me, it seems that old Michelin around my waist is actually getting larger; so much for a six pack. All this is combines to suck the enthusiasm out of the whole exercise thing and threatens to usher in an onslaught of depression.

Not to be left out, I discovered my brain has concocted an additional lovely disorder designed to compliment the plateau. It seems that guys I’m interesting in don’t even see me; they are looking at the other guy. Where’s my cross?

Yup, you read right. Somehow, in my twisted screwed up brain, I think that just because I’ve gone from 220 lbs down to 200 lbs and increased the size of my biceps, guys should immediately be falling all over themselves asking me out on dates.

I think it’s time to go look into electroshock therapy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Silly Rat,
Crunches Are For Abdominals

It seems that every week conspires to keep me at only four days in the gym. This week was no different.

It all started last Friday when I was working legs at the gym. I pulled some weight off the rack and start to do straight leg deadlifts since these offer a great stretched position for the hamstrings... well, on my second rep, I noticed my form was all wrong and I was actually curling my back on the lift (think the part of an abdominal crunch where you lower your neck and shoulder blades back to the floor again; only standing). OK, fine, I noted it and continued with the determination to fix the bad form on the next rep. You'd think I'd listen to myself after all this time, but "no," what do I do but repeat the same bad form.

I knew it didn't bode well for me. Sure enough, Saturday, my back told me in no uncertain terms that it quit; nice sharp pain in the mid part. After icing it all weekend, the muscles figured they had punished me enough and stopped their little jihad.

Just to be safe, I gave myself another day off to let the muscles fully forget that I was not nice to them... today was the first day back.

Note to self: Remember the notes to self.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. "

- Helen Keller

Monday, March 03, 2008

Shadow In Shadow
by Alex Mukensnable

This is an awesome view of the lunar eclipse as seen from Hawai'i within the shadow cast by Mauna Kea on the distant atmosphere. I found it on Astronomy Picture of the Day.

And the full movie from Alex's site. Very nice.