Friday, February 02, 2007

" the eye of the beholder" - Update

As you might have noticed, the “ the eye of the beholder” blog was not updated for January (obviously, if my fitness suffered because of the pet ordeal, it’d follow that my blog would suffer even more since it’s a relatively low priority in my life).

Anyway, I think I might try a different format for the “beholder” blog. Instead of putting up four selections every month, I thought I might try putting something up when I see it. This way I’m not stuck with rushing to update it by the first of every month (amazing how fast the month would fly by).

Also, instead of sticking to photo “albums” of the subject, I will also branch out into single and groups of shots that might not be the same person or thing.

Health & Fitness:
The Road to 40 (Week 18)

Week: 18
Workouts this week: 2
Workouts/Total days: 56/125

Well, a tiny bit of improvement from last week. My tendency to sleep late has definitely reasserted itself from all those late morning risings of early January. I find that my energy is still not up to par so it’s a bit of a climb out of this sedentary hole.

This week, I was able to go Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday, my legs saw a decent workout and proceeded to scream for the next two days (wimps!). Today I gave the old shoulders and back a little run for their money.

On to week 19; may 5 days be in my future soon!