Thursday, February 07, 2008

Do they still offer full frontal lobotomies?

The older I get, the more there is a desire for ignorance. My tendency is to over analyze everything to the point where I get angry or depressed. Many times I find myself desiring the simple life (no relation to Paris Hilton) where I do not see the unpleasantness of people and situations; where I don't have expectations that require effort on anyone's part including my own. Life is too short to always be taken so seriously. Besides, who wants to be around someone who is always a downer?

Therein lays the problem. You get down so people don’t want to hang around you. This leads to a lack of friends to do things with so you get even more down. Now even more people don’t want to hang around you. Anyone see a trend here? Pretty stupid isn’t it? If it’s not body fat, it’s mental fat. Why am I so challenged all the time?

Anyway, this leads me back to my original question; do they still offer full frontal lobotomies? Maybe there are some drugs that will make me happy all the time… oh wait, alcohol does a good job with that. The only problem with getting drunk is that you have to come down sometime; I want to stay floating above the fray.

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