Official Count - Week #9: FIVE Days
(For a grand total of THIRTY-EIGHT out of SIXTY-TWO)
Now this was a “fun” week. Yes I made it five days this week, however, I had to adapt to accommodate some commute issues.
Monday - I had a good chest workout along with the standard cardio. I’m finding my pecks are finally getting some size and strength to them. However, I’m still not at pressing 75 lbs on inclined press yet. On a side note, I was lucky that the workout was in the morning; long before the snow and ice hit Seattle.
Tuesday - my bus was 30 minutes late so my workout was truncated into just cardio. I’m surprised that I did not come down with a cold from standing out in the cold wind waiting for that damn bus.
Wednesday - that damn bus was late again. It’s not like the roads were totally iced up and the buses didn’t have chains on; in fact, just the opposite. I was able to get a little weight lifting in along with the cardio though.
Thursday - what is it with these late buses? Yes we got dumped on Wednesday night, but by the morning commute it was mostly melted off the roads (in my area). Despite it all, I actually got a good leg workout along with my standard cardio.
Friday - finally the bus was on time. Everything is (hopefully) back to normal.
On to week 10.