While looking around the internet a couple of days ago, I came across a My Space page that stood out. Of course, the reason for the attention was that it was the site of a pro bodybuilder and he has pictures of himself posing. Not bad at all (in fact, I think he’ll be featured on the “...in the eye of the beholder” blog in the coming days).
Anyway, I read what he had to say (yes, I went there for the articles as well). One thing caught my eye though; he requested that people who wanted to be on his friends list should not have inappropriate stuff on their site. He lists pornographic images but also singles out “two men kissing.”
That got me thinking. Why is it that a man and a woman kissing is nothing of concern yet two men kissing is pornographic? Of course, most of the time the general population never sees two men kissing in mainstream movies and TV shows. To them, it’s something they’ve only heard about from gay pornography. Nonetheless, it’s a double standard.
I think for many, homosexuality is only about sex. That’s partially right and goes without question since it’s the definition.
ho•mo•sex•u•al (hō'mə-sěk'shōō-əl, -mō-)
adj. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
Interestingly enough though, listed as a side note is the following:
Usage Note: Many people now avoid using homosexual because of the emphasis this term places on sexuality. Indeed, the words gay and lesbian, which stress cultural and social matters over sex, are frequently better choices...
This gets right to my point. Since people generally think that it’s only about the sex, they cannot see it in any other way. As a result, they think that a picture of two men kissing is pornographic; they choose to see it as sex and not a show of love and romance.

For this guy (I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt), my guess is that he had the misfortune to attract some guys who indeed had pornographic pictures on their sites that included men kissing in the heat of sexual passion. Lord knows the internet is full of those images. Even when I searched for a picture showing men kissing to post with this text I mostly found only pornography.
Keep in mind that just as with straight guys, there is an equal percentage of gay guys who are only about their next sexual conquest (can anyone say “Spring Break Florida” for both gays and straights). However, there is also an equal percentage of gay guys who are monogamous and looking for a life partner to share more than just a bed with. In other words, the makeup of the gay population is similar to that of the straight population.
It is only a matter of time before people in the United States see men kissing for what it usually is; a show of love and romance. And then that perverse bubble will finally be popped.