Oh, now here’s some fun; let’s all poke needles in our eyes and rip our hair out (it’d be less painful than watching or reading the fake spin that our friends at Faux News have to offer). Of course I’m a masochist by going to Fox News and even more of one when I read what Billy boy has to say. But in the end, it proves quite entertaining to see how small these extremists are when it comes to their refusal to admit they are wrong and that the truth lies in the opposite direction from which they are facing.
I submit, for your torture, Bill’s Sunday article. Items in red are my comments.
The 9/11 Movie and the Torture Allegations
Sunday, September 10, 2006
By Bill O'Reilly
Many "Factor" viewers have pointed out that few Democrats had any problems with the distortions in Michael Moore's propaganda film or the outrageous TV movie about the Reagans, which CBS ultimately declined to air. But some on the left are now outraged over distortions in ABC's upcoming movie about 9/11.
That is called partisanship.
Are you really that dense Bill? The difference between the ABC’s propaganda 9/11 movie and Moore’s anti-Bush propaganda film is that ABC/Disney is offering theirs for free with little commercial interruption to the entire population of the US (well, at least those with access to TVs) while to see Moore’s (which Disney refused to distribute), you had to fork out cash to see it in a movie theatre, thus reaching a much smaller audience.
As for The Regans, the key here is that it never aired on free TV (so using this as an example is just as absurd as using Fahrenheit 911). Once again, this movie reached far fewer people than the free 9/11 Movie. It’s all about money Bill. If you give something for free and sweeten the deal with the promise of few commercial interruptions, you are definitely going much farther and reaching many more people than those who would require people to pay for it.
In full disclosure, I don’t care for Michael Moore and his antics anymore than the typical Republican. I find that he is tacky and out to make a buck just like our friend Bill here.
Bill continues…
But since you can't justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior, fair minded Americans should realize that if a film uses real people like Madeline Albright, for example, an actor plays her, then there is a responsibility to treat those real people honestly. So I applaud ABC if it edits out any fictional words attributed to real people, no matter who they are.
Now I'm not going to watch the movie, because I lived 9/11. I'm still living it. And I don't need Hollywood to tell me about it. I don't object to the movie if it's honest, but it's not for me.
Kudos to Bill, there is a very slight glimmer of hope that he is actually pulling his head out and trying to see the light. Let’s repeat his statement; ”… you can't justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior….” Amen to that. I wish that more people would actually understand and practice this little piece of wisdom. But too many just love to counter the “Bush is a bad president” comments with “Clinton got a BJ and lied about it under oath.”
I think we need to let Bill talk some more; I sense he is getting a little antsy (he seems to have a hard time listening to others with opposing view points)…
I do, however, really object to real life people putting us all in danger. And that's what's going on over this torture issue.
The editorial director of CBSnews.com, Dick Meyer, writes: "'I've said to people we don't torture. And we don't.' That's what President Bush told Katie Couric yesterday. The president's statement here is beyond doublespeak and above spin. It's untrue. We've been lied to and we are still being lied to by the president."
Meyer fails to provide evidence of this charge. What's he talking about? Is keeping people awake for long periods of time torture? Has the USA gouged anybody's eyes out?
Bill, Bill, Bill, you were doing so well there for a second. But now you digress into your little sad world of delusions again. The USA might not have gouged anyone's eyes out but they have killed many.
Meyer would not appear on "The Factor" to explain. Thus, I can only conclude that he is an irresponsible partisan who should not be running any responsible news organization's website. We'll have more on this story, coming up.
Hmmm… I’ve watched “The Factor” and know how Bill allows people with opposing views to ”explain” their views. Bill, interrupts, chides, talks down to, and never allows anyone from the other camp to make their point. While on the other hand, he carries on a literal love fest with those who share his views allowing them more talk time and a friendlier atmosphere. This is his idea of “fair and balanced.”
I would guess that Mr. Meyer would not want to waste his time appearing on a show that is, to use Bill’s own words, “irresponsible and partisan.” However, because Meyer does not appear on Bill’s show, he starts with his name calling; now that is real professional of you Bill. Somehow, I think “responsible” is a word Bill is not familiar with.
Now ironically, The Wall Street Journal answered Meyer today, even though its editorial writers hadn't seen his inflammatory column.
The Journal puts forth: "The demagogues alleging senseless 'torture' at 'secret' overseas prisons have now gotten a proper replay. It appears a substantial number of plots were foiled because of the CIA interrogation program. They included attacks not only in the U.S. but on targets such as a U.S. Marine camp in [Africa] and the U.S. consulate in Karachi [Pakistan]. Mr. Bush said that information from the [interrogation] program played a role in the arrest of 'nearly every' senior Al Qaeda member in U.S. custody."
Now the Bush haters simply will not accept that, but the fact is that the USA has captured a number of terror killers. And tough interrogation is the reason why.
As "Talking Points" stated earlier this week, the accused London terrorists targeting American jetliners were rounded up after Pakistani interrogators chatted with a captured al Qaeda guy over there. I'm sure the questioning was gentle.
One has to love the Bush apologists and their self delusions about how perfect and infallible America is. Arrogance will definitely be our downfall. Since Bill is inept at research, I’ll list a few sites he can go to for his evidence of secret overseas prisons and torture. A simple Google search reveals:
If the US was not using unconstitutional practices of torture and imprisonment, why would they need to have all these secret prisons? Why would they even need Guantanamo? …they could just use existing prisons on American soil. Oh, but wait, that would mean that they would be required to give these prisoners their day in court. As for torture, we all know what happened at Abu Ghraib but I’m sure Bill will write that off as just a few fraternity brothers hazing their Iraqi pledges.----------------------------This comes down to wanting to protect lies. I am tired of guys like Meyer accusing this nation of torture. Put up some evidence if you have it, sir. If you not, go down to a New York City fire station and see what happens to you.
And that's the Memo.
Me thinks Bill doth protest too much. It does come "down to wanting to protect lies." Unfortunately, it is the lies of our government that people like Bill want to protect. Their precious Republican party has been corrupted by power and instead of trying to free it from its death spiral, they just hold lock step repeating the lies hoping one day they will come true. It would be unconscionable for someone to actually stand up and oppose the party direction from within; "stay the course" (until you fall over that cliff up ahead).
A bunch of Lemming fools they are!