Letter to the Editor - The Seattle Times
The unholy spiritNow I have to say that I agree 90% with Derek. I found myself falling into the old "they are just misunderstood" line, but really, as with most religions, Muslims are just as wrong. However, the comment about non-Muslims not “strapping a bomb to themselves with the intent of blowing up innocent children” is not entirely accurate.
In no way am I a religious man; agnostic perhaps, but not religious. The following statements aren't biased by religious affiliation in any way:
In regard to Muslims around the world expressing outrage at remarks made by the pope, I say if you can't get over the fact that many, many people see your religion as not only governed by the sword, but as represented (and taken over) by a bunch of psychotic zealots with no regard for life and certainly no foundation in reality, then y'all have more problems than I had initially envisioned.
I'm not a fan of Christianity either (see gay marriage, pro-lifers, an equally foundation-less base in reality, and that whole Inquisition thing), but I don't remember the last time I heard of one of them (or a Hindu, or Buddhist, etc.) strapping a bomb to themselves with the intent of blowing up innocent children.
You don't get special treatment just because you think your way is right, and certainly not when it comes to me chastising you for your distorted perception of your religion.
You don't like many people's views of you? Stop it at the source (see above zealots).
— Derek Einhaus, Seattle
First, I doubt the Muslim zealot’s intent is to specifically blow up children (no more than it’s our military’s intent to blow up children in the Iraq). Second, while Christians are much more chicken where it comes to laying down their life for their god, they still blow things up; they just don’t stick around for the explosion. Anyone remember the abortion clinic bombings, the Oklahoma City bombing?
Another letter of interest:
What you loose on EarthYeah, funny how everyone loves to conveniently forget the past. And, as the old saying goes, those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. I think our Fool-in-Chief is the poster child for that leason.
Referencing "Rare personal apology from Pope over words that offended Muslims" [page one, Sept. 18], it is ironic that the pope didn't quote the Byzantines regarding the absolute savagery with which the Western Crusaders (sent to war by Pope Innocent III) treated Byzantine citizens (fellow Christians!) and their cities during the Fourth Crusade in 1204:
"Indecency was perpetrated ... They slaughtered the new-born, killed matrons, stripped elder women and outraged older ladies. They tortured the monks, thrashing and rending their bodies with whips. Mortal blood was spilled on holy altars, and on each, many were dragged like sheep and beheaded, and on the holy tombs, the wretched slew the innocent." — Nicholas Mesaites, witness to the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.
Isn't it time we stopped using religion as justification for our political actions? There is more than enough blame to go around. And that President Bush even mentioned a new "crusade" in the Middle East is an absolute outrage!
— Scott Zema, Woodinville
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