Monday, September 25, 2006

President Clinton Grows a Spine

So Clinton has a bit of an edge to him with his recent out-Foxing of Fox News reporter Chris Wallace. Well, I’ll be, a Democrat actually has the ability to stand up against the machine. Wonders never cease.

This bit made the rounds on most media outlets including MSNBC. I found the following on their "politics" message board.

Interesting commentary.

MSNBC - Politics - Thread 96512:
Message #43
09/24/06 02:05 PM

To Bush supporters: how do you respond to Clinton's statement that Bush did nothing to get bin Laden his first 8mo in office? Where was Bush in the days leading up to 9/11? I'll tell you where - In Crawford chopping wood. That is an indisputable fact. The incoming Bush admin told outgoing NSA Sandy Berger 'you guys give this bin Laden fellow too much credit'. That is also indisputable. Berger told incoming Condi Rice 'you'll need to be on bin Laden 24/7'. But Rice had a cold war mentality and like her boss believed only nation-sponsored terrorism was a real concern. Since Al-Qaeda did not fit that definition they were not their top concern; Iran, N. Korea, and Iraq were. Again, those are the indisputable facts; any other interpretation is revisionist history. As Clinton suggested, read Richard Clarke's book. BTW - Clarke does not let Clinton off the hook in his book. He believes Clinton could have done more. But the question stands - why was Clarke demoted? We all know the answer - because his top concerns were not the administrations. Bush made missile defense top priority his first 8mo in office. A lot of good missiles did to stop bin Laden."

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