Thursday, September 07, 2006

Clinton Aides Rip 9/11 Film

One would think that in this allegedly Christian nation of ours, there would be great condemnation of propaganda and all things false and misleading. Where are these so-called Christians now? Why don’t they stand up and speak out (like their namesake) against the establishment? Why do they allow Republicans (since they currently control all three branches of government) to go unchecked?

Now ABC has a new propaganda film out dramatizing the events that lead up to 9/11. The key here is that there are known inaccuracies in the film yet ABC refuses to correct them stating that it is a dramatization and not a documentary. The media and every politician (Republicans have definitely mastered this better than Democrats) knows that even though you place a disclaimer on something, a vast majority of the lemming population (otherwise known as U.S. citizens) will believe it as fact. I’ll remind those with long-term memory problems of Bush’s inference that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 even though there was not. Even today, many still believe it as truth even though Bush has since stated to the contrary? If you repeat something enough times, it will be hailed as the truth even though it is not.

It is too bad that these Christians feel that they need to follow the teachings of Rove instead of Christ. They just love to jump on the hypocritical, judgmental, anti-Christ bandwagon. Instead of standing up for truth and worship their god, they stand up for only the church of the Republican; anything to further their hate-filled agenda.

There will be no reward for them as they are already lost and have no desire to find the path to enlightenment. They live in the past and do not grow. And like anything that is stagnant, they will only breed disease and suffering.

Update (5:23pm): Some interesting discussions on the MSNBC Message board about the article.

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