It looks like some Christians are getting an early start on their imagined persecution. Some scheming businessman has decided to make headlines (thus promoting his product) by "donating" 4,000 talking Jesus dolls to the Toys for Tots charity.
Many Christians have this Jesus complex where they feel that they need to be persecuted in order to get into heaven. When that persecution does not happen, they manufacture it; a similar psychosis to that of those mothers who intentionally make their children sick in order to get attention and sympathy from their friends and neighbors.
As a result, this Toys for Tots issue has brought out these people in droves. On the message board attached to the article, many are complaining that Christmas is only about Christ (“CHRISTmas" = Christ) and what are Jewish and Muslim children getting Christmas gifts for anyway? A rather unchristian thought process if you ask me.
It’s funny how people do not know their own sorted history. They only blindly follow what they are told without asking questions. The following post does a better job of explaining the past than I could, so here it is.
Note: Dudepez, Alicrew, et al are some of those self persecuted Christians posting on the board.
Message #16711/14/06 03:51 PM
Dear Dudepez, Alicrew, et al: While Christmas, per se, IS a Christian holiday, it is a holiday that was established by the Christian Church as a deliberate attempt to co-opt, colonialize, overshadow, and steal the original PAGAN holiday. The Yuletide existed for hundreds if not thousands of years before the christian efforts to destroy an entire culture, religion and way of life.
IF your "Christmas" celebration involves "christmas" trees, wreaths, gift giving, stockings hung by the chimney, etc., then NO, it ISN'T a "christian" holiday, it's a pagan holiday --though we share it willingly with others who choose to observe it as the cultural holiday into which it has evolved. This may include Jewish, agnostic, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, etc. neighbors. The only really offensive practices are attempting to use the holiday as another excuse to try to attack other people's religious beliefs (just like when the christian church decided to steal this holiday in the first place) or using the cover of gift giving as a sneaky ploy to try to propagandize other people's children with YOUR offensive religion. "Gift giving" with an agenda like that ISN'T about giving; it's about TAKING.
Message #17111/14/06 03:51 PM
Christmas was about children and giving presents BEFORE it was Christian holiday. And it is has been stated here many times, Toys for Tots do not only give toys to tots on Christmas so their toys have to be non-denominational. It is simple logic, but then again, logic is not a strength of the believer. If you don't like it, move to a country that does not have religious freedom.
And I am so sorry that Christians feel so put upon in America. We non-believers do not ever force our beliefs down your throat without it being done to us first. Is there even such a thing as a non-believer doll that quotes non-scripture when you pull a string? And please post the poll that says 85 percent of America believes in Jesus. I would like to see that.
Please study history and realize Christmas (the holiday celebrated on or around the 25th of December) is older than Christianity. Christians hijacked it just like they hijacked so many other customs of the pagans.
With respect to the fact that these so-called Christians are forgetting that they live in a society that has dictated that all children must get gifts for Christmas, they are not thinking about the kid. Until gift giving is abolished (which it never will be), the kids do not understand why they are the only ones in their school who did not get a Christmas present. The adoption of the pagan ritual of giving gifts on this day has pretty much backfired and gone against everything that Jesus allegedly stood for. It is now all about materialism for children.
Watch any kid on Christmas morning opening their gifts. They will focus on one or two toys and barely glance at that hand-made scarf that their grandmother lovingly knitted for them. Christmas for kids is all about being selfish.
So, until Christians do something about that part of this adopted holiday, they really do not have any leg to stand on.
Another post of interest is:
Mrs. Chicago
Message #17011/14/06 03:51 PM
I've read everyone's comments. OK, Christmas is a Christian holiday but that isn't important to most small children. All faiths try to make that part of the year a pleasure for their children. As adults, we seem to be in the business of taking away every bit of a child's childhood. With the schedules we put them on and the way we work, kids often come second to what we want. The Marines have given toys to children for years regardless of their religious orientation. They don't need to start siding with any religion or politically correct group. Give the dolls to some of the many intercity churches who can distribute them at an annual Christmas party. If they had refused a doll that quoted the Qur'an, would some of you be applauding them? What about two "Bill & Bill" dolls? The list could go on and on. Can't have it both ways people. Our nation allows religious freedom, but religious indoctrination by using small unsuspecting children. That's another issue. Oh, by the way I am a very religous Catholic mother.
Mrs. Chicago does a good job of pointing out the hypocrisy of this whole outrage.