Friday, November 10, 2006

Health & Fitness:
The Road to 40 (Week 6)

The official count? TWENTY SIX.

Okay, so this was not a good week.

Monday, I had an early morning meeting with the FAA (yeah, sometimes I actually get to have a little excitement in my job) so there was not a chance to do the morning workout. However, I planned ahead and brought my gym clothes for an afternoon round of extended cardio.

Tuesday morning I woke to neck pain from sleeping wrong but still went to the gym. I probably should have not worked my chest that day but did anyway. The net effect was to screw the neck up even more. Needless to say, that was the last day that I saw the gym this week.

Hopefully, next week will show improvement.


  1. *g*...
    Well, I hope by now, your neck is fully recovered?
    How did the FAA meeting go??? Hey! How did my name show UP??

  2. Thanks for the well wishes on my neck; yes it's fully recovered. I'm back to the gym.

    The FAA meeting went well; I saved you tax payers a ton of money. The FAA is a typical government agency that loves to waste money by not thinking things through.

    I am not sure what you mean by your name showing UP? I only see you as anonymous.

  3. Oh I realized after I send the comments that it is somehow owned by Google and I have my Google account logged on permanently so it reads my profile and asked if I wanted to use my name. Of course I said no... but you know who I am!!! SOrry to dissappoint u ;-) FN
