Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What the...?

So I'm minding my own business trying to keep warm while getting a little breath of fresh air and suddenly this big white thing falls from the sky and hits me on the head. "Great," I think, "another one of those birds just got me." Then I notice that there are an awfull lot of white things falling from the sky; enough to cover the ground. Pretty weird I know, but believe you me, it's true; I even have this picture to prove it... see!

You know what? This stuff actually turns into really cold water when you pick it up in your hand; yeah, I know, you're asking why I felt compelled to pick bird shit up with my bare hand. Don't ask me 'cause I don't know why!

Anyway, Seattle has some pretty strange stuff but this one has to be the strangest... I think I heard a neighbor call it "snow." And here I thought snow was that stuff on your television when the channel is not tuned correctly.

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